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Privacy Policy


1. This privacy policy regulates basic personal data collection, processing and storage principles and procedures between e-shop MB "Mobizona" and the customer.
2. Customer's personal data collection, processing and storage is regulated by this privacy policy, Protection of Personal Data law of Republic of Lithuania and other country's legislations.
3. MB "Mobizona" follows these main personal data processing principles below:
3.1. Personal data is being gathered only for specific and legitimate purposes;
3.2. Personal data is being processed automatically;
3.3. Personal data is being processed accurately and honestly;
3.4. Personal data is being processed lawfully, that is only when:
3.4.1. customer gives a consent;
3.4.2. contract is created and performed, where one of the parties is the customer;
3.4.3. MB "Mobizona" is obligated to process personal data according to the law;
3.4.4. personal data must be processed for legitimate purpose pursued by MB "Mobizona" or third party, to whom personal data is being provided.
3.5. Personal data is being updated constantly.
3.6. Personal data is being stored no longer than it is required by the data processing purposes.
3.7. Personal data is being managed only by authorized employees.
3.8. All information regarding the processing of the personal data is confidential.
3.9. Procedure of personal data processing has been and is being reported to State Data Protection Inspectorate.
4. Persons who can use e-shop's services are:
4.1. all capable private persons, who are not younger than 18 years old;
4.2. minors of age 15-18 years only with parent's, adoptive parent's or guardian's consent, except when person dispose it's own earnings or scholarship;
4.3. legal entities;
4.4. all of the above persons authorized representatives.


5. MB "Mobizona" respects each customer's rights to it's privacy. Customer's personal data (name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail address ant other data entered to e-shop's registration form) is being gathered and processed automatically for:
5.1. to process customer's purchase order;
5.2. to create financial documents;
5.3. to solve problems regarding supply or delivery of goods;
5.4. other contractual obligations.
6. During registrations and order of goods in e-shop, customer must enter correct and complete personal data.
7. MB "Mobizona" implements organizational and technical measures by processing and protecting customer's personal data, which ensure personal data protection from accidental or illegal destruction, allteration, disclosure, also from other illegal processing.
8. MB "Mobizona" can use data that is not directly related to the customer for statistic purposes, e.g. data about bought goods. This statistical data will be gathered and processed in a way that will prevent a disclosure of customer indentity or other personal data, that could be use to determine person's identity.


9. MB "Mobizona" reserves the rights to transfer data to third parties:
9.1. only according to Republic of Lithuania law.
9.2. Customer, by agreeing to these Rules, gives a consent that given personal data can be processed by MB "Mobizona", goods and services selling e-shop, and by separate agreement gives a consent that given personal data can be used for direct marketing. Customer, by agreeing that given personal data can be processed in and by MB "Mobizona" also agrees to receive informational messages, regarding purchase order and it's processing, to given e-mail address and phone number.
9.3. If customer does not want for it's personal data to be used for direct marketing purposes, customer must inform MB "Mobizona" by sending e-mail to [email protected].


10. Customer has rights to change/update data enteren in registration form, also has rights to use right from Privacy Policy point 13.


11. If customer wants to get all information about their personal data that is being procossed by MB "Mobizona", customer must confirm their identity by presenting identity document or doing it by other legislated or electronical means. MB "Mobizona", after checking all neccesary data, must respond immediately about this data and how it is being processed and transfer this data to customer in a sealed envelope, which can be given to customer personally when customer confirms their identity. If MB "Mobizona" receives this application by post, not electronically, per courier or other, MB "Mobizona" must respond within 30 business days about this data and how it is being processed.
12. MB "Mobizona" can provide this personal data free of charge once per year. If customer requires this data for a second time in one year, it can be provided, but charges will apply, that is when replying regarding personal data as provided in Privacy Policy point 11 and information about payment for providing personal data will be given. Customer for provided data can trnsfer payment to MB "Mobizona" specified bank account.
13. If customer, after their personal data review, find it incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, customer has right to request for this data to be stopped processing, but can not request to stop storage this data. If customer, after their personal data review, find that their data is being processed illegally, unfairly has right to destroy such personal data or request for this data to be stopped processing, but can not request to stop storage this data.


14. MB "Mobizona" reserves a right to change Privacy Policy partielly or completely and giving notice about doing it in e-shop and e-mail address.
15. Changes or additions of Privacy Policy shall taje effect from the date of publication, that is from the day, when it was annouced in teh system of e-shop.
16. If customer does not agree with new edition of Privacy policy, customer has right to refuse it in writting (by sending e-mail to [email protected] or sending letter to Architektų str. 28-33, LT-04120 Vilnius, Lithuania) with condition, that customer loses all rights to use any provided services of e-shop.
17. If customer still uses all services provided by e-shop after any changes or amendments of Privacy Policy, it means that customer gives e-shop silent consent of the new edition of Privacy Policy.


5. MB "Mobizona" respects each customer's rights to it's privacy. Customer's personal data (name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail address ant other data entered to e-shop's registration form) is being gathered and processed automatically for:
5.1. to process customer's purchase order;
5.2. to create financial documents;
5.3. to solve problems regarding supply or delivery of goods;
5.4. other contractual obligations.
6. During registrations and order of goods in e-shop, customer must enter correct and complete personal data.
7. MB "Mobizona" implements organizational and technical measures by processing and protecting customer's personal data, which ensure personal data protection from accidental or illegal destruction, allteration, disclosure, also from other illegal processing.
8. MB "Mobizona" can use data that is not directly related to the customer for statistic purposes, e.g. data about bought goods. This statistical data will be gathered and processed in a way that will prevent a disclosure of customer indentity or other personal data, that could be use to determine person's identity.


9. MB "Mobizona" reserves the rights to transfer data to third parties:
9.1. only according to Republic of Lithuania law.
9.2. Customer, by agreeing to these Rules, gives a consent that given personal data can be processed by MB "Mobizona", goods and services selling e-shop, and by separate agreement gives a consent that given personal data can be used for direct marketing. Customer, by agreeing that given personal data can be processed in and by MB "Mobizona" also agrees to receive informational messages, regarding purchase order and it's processing, to given e-mail address and phone number.
9.3. If customer does not want for it's personal data to be used for direct marketing purposes, customer must inform MB "Mobizona" by sending e-mail to [email protected].


10. Customer has rights to change/update data enteren in registration form, also has rights to use right from Privacy Policy point 13.


11. If customer wants to get all information about their personal data that is being procossed by MB "Mobizona", customer must confirm their identity by presenting identity document or doing it by other legislated or electronical means. MB "Mobizona", after checking all neccesary data, must respond immediately about this data and how it is being processed and transfer this data to customer in a sealed envelope, which can be given to customer personally when customer confirms their identity. If MB "Mobizona" receives this application by post, not electronically, per courier or other, MB "Mobizona" must respond within 30 business days about this data and how it is being processed.
12. MB "Mobizona" can provide this personal data free of charge once per year. If customer requires this data for a second time in one year, it can be provided, but charges will apply, that is when replying regarding personal data as provided in Privacy Policy point 11 and information about payment for providing personal data will be given. Customer for provided data can trnsfer payment to MB "Mobizona" specified bank account.
13. If customer, after their personal data review, find it incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, customer has right to request for this data to be stopped processing, but can not request to stop storage this data. If customer, after their personal data review, find that their data is being processed illegally, unfairly has right to destroy such personal data or request for this data to be stopped processing, but can not request to stop storage this data.


14. MB "Mobizona" reserves a right to change Privacy Policy partielly or completely and giving notice about doing it in e-shop and e-mail address.
15. Changes or additions of Privacy Policy shall taje effect from the date of publication, that is from the day, when it was annouced in teh system of e-shop.
16. If customer does not agree with new edition of Privacy policy, customer has right to refuse it in writting (by sending e-mail to [email protected] or sending letter to Architektų str. 28-33, LT-04120 Vilnius, Lithuania) with condition, that customer loses all rights to use any provided services of e-shop.
17. If customer still uses all services provided by e-shop after any changes or amendments of Privacy Policy, it means that customer gives e-shop silent consent of the new edition of Privacy Policy.