Apple iPhone 11 Battery
Apple iPhone 11 Battery – High-Quality iPhone Batteries for Your Device
Looking for a reliable and long-lasting Apple iPhone 11 battery? Our carefully selected Apple iPhone batteries ensure your device operates flawlessly. This replacement battery, model/MPN: 616-00643, 661-13574 is perfect if your Apple iPhone 11 isn't charging, won’t turn on, or drains quickly.
- Apple iPhone 11 (A2111, A2221, A2223)
Why Is It Important to Replace Your iPhone Battery?
The battery is one of the main components of a smartphone. Its performance can deteriorate due to several factors:
- Charging Cycles: Lithium-ion batteries have a limited number of charging cycles (about 500 full cycles).
- Age: Over time, the battery's capacity naturally decreases.
- Temperature Fluctuations: Extreme temperatures can negatively affect battery performance.
It's generally recommended to replace the battery every 2–3 years when its capacity decreases to 80% or less.
Our Offered Battery Versions
1. Without BMS
Ideal for electronics professionals and enthusiasts who want to solder the original BMS from the old battery themselves. This version comes without an integrated Battery Management System (BMS).
- Suitable for: Electronics enthusiasts aiming to perform technical modifications themselves.
- Features: Comes without an integrated BMS, allowing personal control over battery performance.
2. With BMS
This version includes an integrated Battery Management System (BMS), ensuring efficient battery operation. Important to note:
- Upon first turning on or restarting the phone, a message will appear indicating that the phone cannot verify if the inserted battery is a genuine Apple battery.
- "Important Battery Message: Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery." This is a standard message that doesn't affect device performance but will be visible in the device settings, and "Battery Health" information won't be available.
3. With BMS (No Pop-Up)
The best choice for easily eliminating the battery authenticity message without soldering. This version provides:
- No Pop-Up Error Messages: Thanks to advanced "Crack-Decode" technology built into the chip, all messages about a non-original battery are automatically removed.
- No Soldering Required: Offers a simple installation process without the need for soldering.
- No Additional Connectors (Tag-On): Installation is done without any extra components.
- No Programming Needed: Fully ready for use immediately after installation.
Pasirinkite iš mūsų kruopščiai parinktų Apple iPhone 11 akumuliatorių, sukurtų užtikrinti, kad Jūsų įrenginys veiktų nepriekaištingai. Siūlome keletą akumuliatorių versijų, leidžiančių pasirinkti tinkamiausią pagal Jūsų techninius įgūdžius ir naudojimo poreikius.
Pasirinkimo galimybės
Mūsų pasirinkimas apima šias akumuliatorių versijas, kiekvieną su unikaliais ypatumais:
Be BMS: idealiai tinka elektronikos entuziastams, norintiems patiems atlikti technines modifikacijas, pavyzdžiui, perlituojant originalų BMS. Ši versija atkeliauja be integruotos baterijos valdymo sistemos, suteikdama galimybę asmeniškai kontroliuoti akumuliatoriaus veikimą.
Su BMS: ši versija yra kartu su integruotą baterijos valdymo sistemą (BMS), garantuojančią akumuliatoriaus veikimo efektyvumą. Svarbu atkreipti dėmesį:
- Pirmą kartą įjungus arba perkrovus telefoną, bus rodomas pranešimas, nurodant, kad telefonas negali patikrinti, ar įdėtas akumuliatorius yra originalus Apple akumuliatorius.
- Important Battery Message: Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery. Šis pranešimas taip pat bus matomas įrenginio nustatymuose, o „Battery Health“ informacija nebus prieinama.
Su BMS (No Pop-Up): geriausias pasirinkimas, neleidžiantis pranešimams apie baterijos autentiškumą trukdyti. Ši versija suteikia:
- No Pop-Up Klaidos Pranešimų: Dėka pažangios „Crack-Decode“ technologijos, įmontuotos į mikroschemą, automatiškai pašalinami visi pranešimai apie neoriginalią bateriją.
- Nereikia litavimo: suteikia paprastą montavimo procesą be poreikio lituoti.
- Nereikia papildomų jungčių (Tag-On): montavimas atliekamas be jokių papildomų komponentų.
- Nereikia programavimo: pilnai pritaikytas naudojimui iškart po įdiegimo.
Kodėl verta rinktis mūsų akumuliatorius?
- Patikimas suderinamumas: visos versijos buvo kruopščiai ištestuotos su Apple iPhone 11, garantuojant tobulą veikimą.
- Aukščiausia kokybė: Naudojant tik geriausias medžiagas ir gamybos procesus, mes užtikriname ilgalaikį akumuliatoriaus tarnavimo laiką.
Kaip elgtis matant „Important Battery Message“ pranešimą? Tai standartinė situacija, susijusi su akumuliatoriaus BMS. Pranešimas nekelia jokios žalos įrenginio veikimui ir gali būti ignoruojamas.
Ar „Su BMS (No Pop-Up)“ versija visiškai eliminuoja pranešimus? Taip, ši versija sukurta taip, kad vartotojas negautų jokių pranešimų apie baterijos autentiškumą, užtikrinant sklandžią naudojimosi patirtį.
Quality Differences
We offer various battery quality levels so you can choose the most suitable option for you.
A factory-manufactured battery by the original producer, ensuring stable, reliable, and maximum performance. It guarantees the longest lifespan and optimal operation of your device.
Original Used (95%–100% Health)
A used original battery with a remaining capacity between 95% and 100%. An economical choice that provides near-new battery performance without significant investment.
Original Used (90%–94% Health)
This used original battery has a residual capacity of 90%–94%. A good option for those looking to save money while still enjoying high battery quality and reliability.
Increased Capacity
The increased capacity battery provides a longer-lasting battery life compared to standard models. Due to its higher energy density, it maintains a compact size. This is an excellent solution for users who heavily rely on their phones, as it reduces the need for frequent charging. High-quality cells ensure stable performance, reduced overheating, and an extended lifespan.
Compared to other non-original alternatives, the higher capacity battery is the best choice, as it not only offers greater capacity but also retains performance and reliability close to the original. Thanks to advanced manufacturing technology, these batteries can have 10–15% higher capacity than original ones while maintaining safety and compatibility. By utilizing modern cell manufacturing technology, energy density is increased without compromising the stability of the device.
Top-quality batteries equivalent to the original ones. Manufactured according to original battery specifications and using the original integrated circuit (IC), responsible for protecting against short circuits, voltage spikes, overloads, and deep discharge under extreme conditions.
High Quality
These batteries are made using high-quality materials to achieve nearly identical performance compared to the original. An excellent choice for those seeking a balance between quality and affordability.
A replacement, budget-friendly battery performing basic functions. Due to lower manufacturing costs, it's the most affordable option. Suitable for those who want to quickly and inexpensively replace a poorly performing battery without planning to invest more in the device.
Why Choose Our Batteries?
- Reliable Compatibility: All batteries are thoroughly tested.
- Highest Quality: We provide only the best options according to the specified qualities.
- Wide Selection: Choose from various qualities and versions.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do I need to replace the battery?
- If you frequently experience unexpected shutdowns or the battery life has significantly shortened.
What are battery charging cycles?
- One charging cycle equals a full battery discharge (0%) and charge (100%). The battery lasts for about 500 such cycles.
How can I extend the battery's lifespan?
- Start charging when the battery reaches 15–25% and charge up to 80%.
Does the "Important Battery Message" cause any problems?
- No, it's a standard message that doesn't affect the phone's performance. You can ignore it or choose a battery with the "No Pop-Up" function.
How to remove the message about a non-original battery?
- To completely remove the message, you need to solder the IC chip from the old battery to the new one. This can only be done by specialists.